Draw 1 Card Yugioh Monsters

We've all been there, you've challenged another player to a high-stakes duel and when push comes to shove, you don't draw the cards you need.

Frankly, it's embarrassing when you have 5 or 6 cards in your hand, yet you can't do anything.

Frustrating moments like these can be significantly increased in rarity thanks to some good drawing power.

Each and every archetype, type, and attribute will come with their own consistency cards but there are plenty of generic cards out there.

If you need to touch up any of your decks, this list will help you out!

P.S Some cards are absolutely amazing yet they're limited to specific conditions. See the list below.

Pot of Dichotomy

Allure of Darkness

Destiny Draw

Cards of Consonance

Magic Planter

Wonder Wand

Scared Sword of the Seven Stars

10. Jar of Avarice

Jar of Avarice, one of the best draw cards in Yugioh

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Traps such as Jar of Greed don't have too much of a place in today's deck building, the first turn matters a lot and if you're just setting face-downs, you're setting yourself up for an OTK.

Jar of Avarice is one exception, exceedingly practical towards the later stages of the game if used in a stall deck.

Competence does wane when you're using faster decks though, if Jar of Avarice's effect said you could target up to 5 cards (instead of exactly 5), I'm sure it'd be used more.

9. Trade-In

Trade-In, one of the best draw cards in Yugioh

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Although Trade-In can only be used in decks with level 8 monsters, it's so damn good that it had to make the list.

Most level 8 monsters aren't too bothered about going to the graveyard, in fact, they'd prefer to be there so you can use other cards (that you'll likely draw) to summon them to the field.

If your deck contains level 8 monsters, add this card. If you have a deck that requires drawing, add this card and some level 8 monsters!

8. Pot of Duality

Pot of Duality, one of the best draw cards in Yugioh

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Look at Pot of Greed's face trying to get some recognition, in all fairness he has seen some play thanks to Pot of Duality.

Choosing one of any three cards from the top of your deck is glorious, letting you obtain a card you so heavily need.

You can't special summon in the same turn which is a huge drawback but this is justified, Pot of Duality would be absurdly broken without it.

7. Card of Demise

Card of Demise, one of the best draw cards in Yugioh

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For many years, Card of Demise sat quietly on the sidelines, seeing barely any play.

Recently though, it's seen somewhat of a revolution as players are figuring out how to get the most out of it.

Card of Demise can be activated in your Main Phase 2, giving you spells/traps to set or a monster to dump into the graveyard, or even a monster to summon if you didn't normal summon in the same turn!

6. Upstart Goblin

Upstart Goblin, one of the best draw cards in Yugioh

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If you didn't know, Upstart Goblin is limited to 1 copy per deck, which seems crazy if you have no idea how effective it is.

If you were to have up to 3 copies in a deck, it'd essentially be a 37 card deck which massively improves consistency.

You would give your opponent up to 3000 life points but the drawing power more than makes up for such a cost.

5. Pot of Extravagance

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Pot of Extravagance is a must-have for any deck that doesn't rely on its extra deck too heavily.

You can have 3 copies of this draw card in your deck, using them to get hand advantage or get through your deck quickly, without paying too much of a cost.

The vast majority of Yugioh decks rely on their extra deck, as it provides easy access to powerful monsters.

But for decks that don't need it, and there's sure to be some released in the future, Pot of Extravagance is well worth it.

4. Danger! Toolbox

An expensive and risky option, but one that can fit into 99% of your decks.

The Danger! archetype got absolutely rekt by the forbidden list, yet still remains viable in a casual environment.

Competitively, the innate draw/search power of the best archetypes, allow them to skip most draw cards entirely.

But Danger! monsters can be tech'd into almost anything, and provide free monsters and draw power, albeit less reliably nowadays.

The best combo is below:

  • 2 x Danger! Bigfoot! (Amazon)
  • 1 x Danger! Nessie! (Amazon)
  • 2 x Danger!? Jackalope? (Amazon)
  • 2 x Danger!? Tsuchinoko? (Amazon)

3. Pot of Avarice

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Once a forbidden card, Pot of Avarice is now fully available to all players.

The fact it relies on 5 monsters being in the graveyard means it can't be used to start your first turn off.

But that's fine, this draw card fits perfectly into so many decks, as returning monsters to the deck can be invaluable in a lot of strategies.

It works on extra deck monsters too!

2. Pot of Prosperity

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Only released in the Blazing Vortex booster set, this is the latest pot card to join Yugioh.

If you banish 6 cards from your extra deck, you get to choose between 6 excavated cards to add to your hand.

No other generic draw card provides such versatility, but it does come with a lot of drawbacks.

Exceptional going first, or when you're in a tight spot, you see Pot of Prosperity in certain deck builds, like Dinos.

It's currently extremely expensive so I'd highly recommend waiting until it's been reprinted.

1. Pot of Desires

Pot of Desires, the best draw card in Yugioh!

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By far the most used generic draw card in the game, Pot of Desires provides so much power for such a small drawback.

Banishing 10 cards face-down sounds like a hefty price to pay, but the 2 free cards, as well as no rules to stop you drawing/summoning/etc for the rest of the turn, make it worth it.

It's a budget option too, so you can get several copies of Pot of Desires for the fraction of the price of most other competitive staples.

Draw 1 Card Yugioh Monsters

Source: https://qtoptens.com/top-10-best-draw-cards-in-yugioh/

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