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Shovel of Hope

  • If you spend some time around Armor Outpost, you can find a rare NPC that looks exactly like Shovel Knight without his helmet. He has a fish head!
  • After the Boss Rush, King Knight laments his loss.

    King Knight: My castle... my luxury... my fiefdoms! My... chandeliers! Curse you, Shovel Knight!

    • Even funnier when you remember that said dropping chandeliers were a trap that King Knight himself probably set up.
    • And if you're wearing the Ornate Armor, he pulls a complete 180 and compliments your armor choice, pleased that his style is obviously rubbing off on you.

      King Knight: :... Although I must say, your armor is resplendent. I can see you've picked up on my style!

      • And King Knight in the ending? He is forced to scrub Pridemoor halls as punishment; he then throws the cloth he's using to clean on the ground and raises his fist clenching it. You can almost hear him say "Curse you, Shovel Knight!"
      • To add insult to injury, if it's the Plague Of Shadows DLC, King Knight will be scrubbing the floor while he watches as Plague Knight is officially knighted with Mona by his side, despite the fact that Plague Knight was ALSO a part of the Order Of No Quarter. King Knight has it ROUGH!
      • To add salt to the wound that is already bleeding, scrubbing the floors of the castle was just what he told King Pridemoor to do at the end of his campaign. It's hard to not imagine King Pridemoor at least chuckling to himself about the irony while assigning this task to King Knight.
    • After the aforementioned Boss Rush, Mole Knight says Shovel Knight should exchange digging notes with him.
    • The set-up of the Boss Rush is equally hilarious. You unexpectedly drop in on the Order of No Quarter having dinner. The battles take place on top of the dinner table and they are just as hectic as they were before, such as Specter Knight turning off the lights and flashing them back on, Tinker Knight's use of the Tinker Tank, and Plague Knight flinging explosive chemicals all over the place, yet watch as your opponent's fellow knights just sit at the table as usual, undisturbed. It's taken Up to Eleven with Treasure Knight, who fills up the room with water, yet the other knights are still sitting around as usual. Bonus funny points if Tinker Knight is the first to fight you— the resulting Chain of People is being held up by such a small guy!
  • Want to know a quicker way to defeat the pathetically easy Tinker Knight? Ride the Mobile Gear right into him, bringing him down in one hit. Bonus points: Specter of Torment shows that the Mobile Gear is one of Tinker Knight's own weapons. You'll still have to fight his mech, though.
  • Tinker Knight's first form in general. His "attacks" consist of him running around panicking, throwing his wrench and tripping over. Even the music is hilarious. He's beaten so hard that he needs a king-sized mech to stand a chance.
  • In the first town, you can find a frog named Croaker who does nothing but spout awful jokes and puns. You even get an achievement for listening to them all. Later on, in another town, you can encounter a grouchy toad named Toader. Talking to Toader makes Shovel Knight attempt to cheer him up with his own repertoire of terrible jokes.
    • Even after defeating the Order and the Enchantress, Toader still doesn't seem to cheer up.
  • The Troupple King's dance when you first get ichor from him.
  • Shovel Knight calling Propeller Knight a "Gyroscopic Jester" sounds like something out of the 60's Batman (1966) show.
    • He also calls King Knight a "Decadent Dandy". It's such an old folksy way to insult someone. Said insult is also the name of King Knight's boss battle theme.
    • King Knight, in turn, gets in on the old-timey insults in the Plague of Shadows DLC, calling Plague Knight a "constable of crucibles" in his pre-battle dialogue.
  • Facing off against The Baz and then making him cry when you beat him.
    • Feeling a bit cruel and want to Kick the Dog without any karma? Hit Baz after you defeat him; he will cry even harder and the game will reward you with some gems.
  • The bard says The Enchantress gave him a pretty amulet for music sheet no. 43. However, his description of No. 44 shows that didn't turn out well.
    • Heck, many of his comments about the music sheets are pretty funny. For example, giving him music sheet no. 12 will net this conversation.

    Bard: [Mona]'s only reaction was, "Oh, it's okay, I guess. Whatever." Sorry, was it not brooding enough for you?

  • One of the rewards of the kickstart: Official Shovel Knight Dirt Signed by The Yacht Club. Subtext: This is the best product photo ever, bwahaha!
  • According to his official profile, Black Knight has a squeaky voice. Now imagine all his normally intimidating and badass lines being spoken in such a voice.
  • The Troupple King won't be pleased if you drown in his lake, but if Shovel Knight uses the fishing rod, or if Plague Knight uses the bait bomb, the screen will shake and...


  • When Kratos shows up, he's impressed Shovel Knight beat him using only a- well, you know, so he gives him the honorary name of The Ghost of Shovels.
  • When you summon the Fairies to your side, they all play their respective character's KO animation when you die. Except the Fairy of Torment. That one just laughs at you.

Plague of Shadows

  • In order to get into Mona's secret lab under the village, you have to go around to a little house where one of Plague Knight's students lives. Unfortunately, he lost the key so you explode the whole building to get in, to the student's dismay. Even more funnier when you think about why Plague Knight didn't just blow up the door instead of the entire house or why were there were barrels of explosives near the house out in the open to begin with.
  • Although the secret door to Chester within Pridemoor Keep is still shaped like Shovel Knight, Plague Knight can still use it to reach his room. He goes through the door by awkwardly squeezing himself until he fits within the door's shape. He falls down after reaching the other side, getting major cramps.
  • Upon reaching the Armor Outpost, Percy claims his catapult will launch you to a place that's filled with unguarded treasure and armor free for the taking. He only needs 50 cipher coins to make repairs. Upon fixing the thing and using the catapult, you're launched straight into the middle of the outpost where you have to do battle with waves of guards. Upon beating them, all the civilians crowd into the Aerial Anvil to escape, leaving you free to get into an argument with Mr. Hat on whether or not hats are better then hoods.
    • According to Plague Knight, the last time Percy launched him from a catapult, he landed in the middle of the ocean and states he doesn't want to have to replace another set of waterlogged bombs.
    • The hat versus hood argument becomes more hilarious in retrospect come Shovel of Hope's Body Swap mode; the female Plague Knight's hood looks like a witch hat. Apparently she decided "both is good".
  • Troupple Pond is completely empty until you get the Troupple Chalice from the acolyte. Even then, the Troupple King refuses to help Plague Knight until he promises that his help will only be used for noble ends. Only then, does he teach him how to dance and provide him with ichor, by spewing it all over him in lieu of armor upgrades.
    • Even funnier is that Plague Knight actually holds up his chalice to catch the ichor. So either Plague Knight can't catch worth a damn, the King is a terrible shot, or the King is missing the chalice on purpose just because he doesn't like Plague Knight.
  • Due to the fact you can have Plague Knight dance, even during cutscenes, you can have characters talking to him while he's offscreen... And when the camera pans back to him, he's just dancing for what appears to be no reason.
  • When you meet up with the Baz as Plague Knight, he's taken his You Kill It, You Bought It methodology to Insane Troll Logic levels, believing that by defeating a master Alchemist, he'll become one, to Plague Knight's incredible bemusement. And after you defeat him, you have the option to recruit him, accepting will have him don the Minion gear, which looks hilarious on him, especially since he's still wearing his armor underneath and the spikes are ripping out of the robes.
  • The boss of the Explodatorium is Shovel Knight himself, in one long chain of funny moments. Rather then just being the Black Knight all over again, Shovel Knight makes full use of his Relic collection, heals himself with ichor, and generally fights exactly as erratically as you'd expect a player controlled character would. Upon defeat, he drops three bags of floating money, just like when you control him. Shovel Knight then gets back up and charge slashes you in the back mid-victory pose and then does that one-pixel crouch repeatedly, taking back his treasure and essence and playing his own victory theme. THEN it cuts to the standard Shovel Knight campfire scene as Plague Knight sneaks in and steals the essence back! His reappearance in the boss rush is hilarious as well. Plague Knight falls down, and right after he lands, Shovel Knight falls right after him. He doesn't really stick the landing, so he tumbles down from the table and falls into one of the seats, passed out. He stays this way until you defeat the rest of the Order, after which he finally regains consciousnesses and fights. Like before, he gets back up and slashes you in the back, but the funniest part has to be when King Knight begs Shovel Knight to save them. He just walks off like the Order isn't even there. And then Plague Knight decides to Bomb Burst off the screen, and he is still unharmed. Mona's reaction to the whole ordeal brings it together.

    Mona: I dunno, it's weird. From my limited interaction with him, he just seems to love busting up glassware.

  • Before Plague Knight's boss rush, Specter Knight of all people says his only hilarious line of the story. He might be a very serious character, but he is so brutally honest it's funny:

    King Knight: You've stolen all of my essence, you maniac! All I have left is my wits!

    Specter Knight: ...unlike wits, King Knight, you actually have some essence. It's merely weakened.

  • During the boss rush, Shovel Knight will sometimes wake up from time to time before it's his turn, looking around in bewilderment before he decides to nod off again, as if thinking "Screw this, this is too crazy for me to handle right now, I'm going back to sleep."
  • The fact that Plague Knight managed to collect all the relics from Shovel Knight's story arc before he did and sold them off to Chester for arcane skills because he found them to be "worthless rubbish" is pretty hilarious. In other words, Plague Knight indirectly helped Shovel Knight get all his relics simply because he found them to be completely useless.
  • After defeating King Knight and Specter Knight, Mona will be seen dancing in the lab. The player could enter at any time, though waiting long enough yields an achievement: Creep. When Plague Knight does enter, things get awkward between them for a moment.

    Mona: How long were you watching?!

    Plague Knight: I barely saw anything! Come on, heh. I'm not some creep!

  • Treasure Knight is normally cool and unflappable, and is said to be able "to handle extreme physical and mental pressure". The one time he completely flips out? When Plague Knight suggests money isn't everything.

    Treasure Knight: More important than gold?! Now you're just being ridiculous.

  • After defeating King Knight, we get this gem:

    Plague Knight: King Knight's essence is ours! And I discovered that his crown isn't real gold!

    Mona: Ha ha ha! I knew it! Pretender, indeed.

  • And after defeating Treasure Knight:

    Mona: You look like you lost a fight with a pond!

    Plague Knight: Ocean, actually. Had to liberate the essence of avarice. Nice place he's got down there.

  • To reward Plague Knight for his victory, Reize tells him his best joke: "How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles!" He actually succeeds in making Plague Knight crack up with laughter.
  • When wearing the Dandy Duds, Plague Knight's victory animation is twirling his staff... and drinking from the bomb in his off hand. Either he's incredibly tough and used to sipping the contents of his bombs, or he's learned how to make explosive juice bombs. Or maybe he just has a very unique style of juice box.
  • After acquiring the fifth Essence, Mona attempts to have Plague Knight help her with the stuck lever for the Dynamo Decanter. Just when it seems Plague Knight reaches the lever, a sudden blackout occurs, followed by this once the power comes back on.

    Percy: The forces of darkness reign no longer! For I, Percy, have fixed the power!

  • While the ending is mostly more Heartwarming if anything, there is one hilarious part in the scene right before the credits. After spending the entire game thinking she's crushing on Plague Knight, Magicist upon Plague Knight and Mona returning to the Potionarium, apologizes to the former for leading him on...because she's found a better man: Percy. Both of them proceed to just stand in Visible Silence in what could only be best described as a Flat "What" reaction at the news.
  • Having the Fairy of Alchemy active when Mona is processing an Essence will have the fairy get stuck inside the Dynamo Decanter.

Specter of Torment

  • When Specter Knight goes to recruit Polar Knight, he tells him that the "glory of battle" awaits him. Polar Knight does not say a single word during their conversation, just going "Hmph." before a fight breaks out.
  • Specter Knight's health pickups. Instead of whole chickens and apples, he gets chicken bones and apple cores.
  • Reize and The Baz are scripted encounters in Specter of Torment where they interrupt your teleportation spell by crashing in through the window. Specter Knight flat out tells The Baz to go away before commenting that they should get some bars for the windows.

    Baz: Yeaahhh!!! Am I late? Is this the Knight meeting? Do we get to our awesome powers? I want...lightning!
    Spectre Knight:...
    Baz: Oh , come on!! Wait! Did you see my righteous whip? Can I have a helmet? I'm a size...ha ha...LAAAARGE!
    Spectre Knight:...Out. Now!
    Baz: But...
    Reize: Yeah, get lost!
    Baz: But... but... but... I had my entrance moves planned and everything. It was so coool!... Ya know, for an order of evil knights, you guys are really mean! I just wanted to be the the main event! You haven't seen the last of The Baz!!
    [The Baz leaves the Tower of Fate]
    Specter Knight: We should really get some bars for the windows.

    • The best part is that Baz comes in after Reize has been corrupted by the Enchantress's evil, and constantly derides Specter Knight at every opportunity. This part marks the only time the two actually agree with each other and get along.
    • Then Black Knight crashes in through a wall once you finish all the levels.
  • Of all things, one of the characters to get a backstory here is... The Dancer you find in the Juice Bar in Shovel Knight's campaign. She tries to show off her dance to him only for him to turn around cutting out the music. Multiple times. After her heart is broken, she runs off declaring that she will have revenge.
  • One of the characters in the Tower of Fate is Gall, who is working on a skill called the "Kiss of Death" which he immediately uses on Specter Knight when you talk to him. Either Gall dies or Specter Knight dies.
  • Another moment for King Knight, this time in Specter of Torment. In the campaign, Specter Knight is tasked with recruiting the members of the Order of No Quarter. However, the dialogue between Specter Knight and King Knight has the former refer to The Enchantress as "our leader," which reveals that King Knight already works for her. It turns out that Specter Knight wasn't sent to Pridemoor Keep to recruit King Knight, it was because the Enchantress realized that King Knight wasn't doing his job and sent Specter Knight to set him straight!
  • Like Plague of Shadows, you can get the ability to dance. The kicker: Specter Knight does Michael Jackson's moonwalk. But only when wearing the Donovan set.
  • Normal Specter Knight, meanwhile, gets the 'cold shoulder' ability by interacting with The Dancer, which makes him stand around with his arms folded looking aloof.
  • Once you clear the Lich Yard, you will find a red robed Super Skeleton instead of Phantom Striker at the table, since he did not join the Order. This Skeleton also happens to be the guardian of Specter Knight's hideout. Specter Knight immediately brings this into question:

    Specter Knight: If you are here, then who guards my hideout?!

    Super Skeleton: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!

  • After recruiting Plague Knight, his minions start walking around the hub. The one that walks around the dining area vehemently denies the idea that Plague Knight hangs out anywhere other than the Explodatorium, while another than randomly walks by mentions that Plague Knight is already planning his next project and won't stop screaming about "essences."
    • The one near the dining hall also bribes Specter Knight to keep quiet about what he said...which is funnier because he can be right within earshot of said boss.
  • There are multiple playful nods to Specter Knight's 'edge'.
  • One of the Stingers features a long line of monsters in Treasure Knight's ship, just lining up to be paid, like it's an average office job. There's even a SPINWULF in the line!
  • After completing Polar Knight's stage, you can find a Tundread enemy who comments that he likes walking, but wishes he could slide around with the rail mail. If you buy the rail mail and slide around in front of him, he stands in place staring at you with his mouth agape.
  • It's easy to let it slip under the radar, with The Enchantress' grand entrance/exit and all, but Terrorpin's gawking reaction upon seeing her and immediately making the connection on The Enchantress' identity is hilarious.

King of Cards

  • The opening shot of the first footage video for King of Cards? King Knight lying face down on the floor before he attempts to get on his feet dramatically, only for his crown to slip and him having to quickly adjust it before resuming his intended pose. Even funnier as the demo reveals this is a variation of his normal level start animation (in which he falls from the sky and lands on his feet before posing), but in this case, he lands on his face instead of his feet.
  • The fact that King Knight's playstyle is basically Wario's.
  • One of the new cheats added alongside King of Cards and Showdown makes the entire environment endlessly wobble and ripple, an effect not unlike "Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy". And another cheat makes the camera endlessly spin around. And another cheat makes the world wobble and spins the camera.
  • The reason the Running Kid in Shovel of Hope says that he's the fastest, despite Shovel Knight being able to outpace him pretty easily? King Knight told him to lie about being the fastest.
  • After you defeat the other Joustus opponents at the House of Joustus, you face Black Knight. The moment you challenge him, he calls for Terrorpin, who crashes through the wall to be a card table.
    • Then when you defeat Black Knight at Joustus, he laments that he couldn't win, even with Terrorpin's tactical advice. Somehow, the big, scary turtle mount who as acting as the game board was giving Black Knight advice on where to put his cards. Despite the fact Terrorpin shouldn't be able to see the board acting as a card table.
  • Joustus is a very popular game in the land during the time of King of Cards, and many NPCs are seen playing it. This includes the future Order knights, who will occasionally appear on the Glidewing after King Knight beats them in boss fights just to play a match with him. Even Specter Knight, who is completely aware that Joustus was created by his current master to distract the populace, has his own deck. His dialogue prior to being challenged is fittingly hilarious.
    • If you beat Mona in the Cavern of Joustus and then unlock Plague Knight as a Joustus opponent, Plague Knight becomes nervous because of her presence, though he quickly tries to hide it. Also, all other Order members have a unique card of themselves in their decks, except Plague Knight (who just has Percy's card); Mona has the Plague Knight card, giving the implication that he lost a match to her and she specifically took his own card from him.
  • The boss opponent of the Crag of Joustus is initially obscured because of a torn-up banner, and since one of the tables is surrounded by three sleeping Spinwulves, it's easy to assume that someone like Polar Knight will arrive there. Then you beat the three base opponents and discover than the champion is the three Spinwulves, with two of them forming a platform for the third one to reach the table. King Knight is completely enamored with the dogs and invites them onto the Glidewing after winning.
  • Oolong makes his first appearance in the timeline here, hiding out in a disconnected alcove at the Crag of Joustus. To reach him, you have to make Yoppler play his horn, and then pirouette into it, which somehow shoots King Knight out of Oolong's head-horn. Then, during his conversation with Oolong, King Knight gets self-aware:

    King Knight: Relax, Oolong— a full brain is a sad brain. I never think about anything, and I'm totally happy!

  • The introduction to the King's Roost in Birder Bluffs. King Knight comes to a locked door, contemplates it for a moment, and then attempts to bash his way through a wall. Then he bashes a spot with no ivy, starts spinning, and accidentally breaks part of the floor, creating an alternate path under the door which King Knight enters. Then the door opens.
  • Meeting Baz for the first time. The reason why Baz thinks beating someone grants the victor the loser's title? Because he misheard King Knight talking about becoming the next "King of Cards!"
    • The fact that in this conversation, King Knight is the smart, sane one as he tries (and fails) to correct the misconception.
    • The fight itself when Baz wrecks his own training area and you recognize it as the area you fight him as Shovel Knight and Plague Knight.
  • Calling for Grandma Swamp and asking about Joustus has her act incredulous about being asked about the game and if she even tracks it...before admitting she does. When King Knight is surprised about her somehow knowing all his matches, she grumbles about how she never expected the game to take off and her frustration watching players make the wrong move during matches. She ends wondering if she should pick up a deck of her own.
  • Aboard the Glidewing is a painter named Gouache, who can be commissioned to make a painting of King Knight. However, when the painting is finished, King Knight is unsatisfied and can pay Gouache again to re-do the painting. This goes on until the third revision, where the painting is now a vandalized mess and Gouache is nowhere to be found.
  • Buying both heirlooms from the Vicor of Vigor triggers a flashback. Or it would if King Knight didn't have better things to do...
  • There's a gem lodged in the rear outside wall of the Glidewing. If you shoulder bash that spot and fall straight down, King Knight will land in the cockpit of the ship's air-shuttle, and pretend to drive it like a little kid in a fire truck. You can even use the arrow keys to turn the steering wheel!
    • After you beat the Troupple King, the Acolytes set up a harness system so he can hang under the ship in the same spot the shuttle was hanging off of previously. While that's amusing in itself, the King also now has a cold and asks King Knight whether he knows of a way to cure his congestion...which you do by bashing against a wall as described above and drilling into his blowhole, causing ichor to spray everywhere. It works, and he repays you by selling your decrees you can use to summon various helpers.
  • Defeating Mr. Hat brings him and his shop aboard the ship. He accomplishes this by lifting it on a rope while King Knight takes him to the ship.
    • When leaving the shop without paying for something, Mr. Hat follows you to the rat rope, culminating into him catching King Knight on the way up and triggering his boss fight.
  • In the Void Crater, after Mr. Hat's Shop moved from there to the Glidewing, there's a horse character standing at the edge. Talking to him will have him cryptically talk about the abyss and him taking you there. Replying with a yes without consuming a Decree of Rejuvenation beforehand will result in the horse bearhugging King Knight and suplexing the both of them to the crater's bowl, killing both himself and King Knight. Both characters are fine from the ordeal, but it's still hilarious how out of nowhere the suplex was. At least Gall gave you a warning that he's practicing a Kiss of Death and it fails a couple times!
  • You can meet Madame Meeber regardless of what version you're playing through falling in the Void Crater with a Decree of Rejuvenation, with whatever fairy King Knight selects being crowned the King of Fairies, to his horror. It turns out to be a bad dream from the fall. In order to make it funnier for those that never entered King Knight's room up until this point, this is followed by the player achieving the feat "Get Out of My Room!"
    • Every fairy is a different character from the game including the Enchantress and Fish Head, even Beeto! And what some of the fairies are called by Madam Meeber are hilarious!
      • King's Mom: Fairy of Doting
      • Fish-Head: Fairy of ????
      • Baz: Fairy of Rejection
      • Beeto: Fairy of Patrolling
    • If you try to pick the "Fairy of Resplendence" (King Knight's fairy) and offer it, Madame Meeber (albeit gently) rejects it.
  • Doe's reactions to you falling off the front of the airship range from what is basically an "oh alright then" reaction, to waving, and then there's the outright Oh, Crap! reaction.
  • How you start Mole Knight's boss fight. King Knight goes into a dirt pile...and ends up drilling right in the middle of the Lost Hot Tub while Mole Knight and some Molers were using it, before dropping into Mole Knight's boss room. Mole Knight is naturally not pleased with King Knight breaking the hot tub during his only break.
  • The exchange between Percy and Plague Knight shortly before King Knight shows up has Plague Knight question Percy's choice of location for a secret laboratory because it's too exposed. Percy insists that the lab will not be the attention of prying eyes. Cue Plague Knight noticing King Knight coming in. As it turns out, Percy left the door open.
    • Percy being a boss fight at all. He's basically just kicking and flinging himself around the lab to fend off King Knight. After you beat him, Plague Knight reappears to fight King Knight and also to chastise Percy for making a mess of the lab.
  • King Knight's pre-battle dialogue with Treasure Knight reveals that King Knight's armor is painted in gold polish.
    • There's also how the two warriors meet. Treasure Knight was fishing for Serprizes and King Knight hitched a ride on his line. The King is then hoisted up into the Iron Whale, where the hulking Treasure Knight catches and dangles him by the legs with one hand. After being insulted, Treasure Knight throws the gilded goon hard against a wall.
  • Who was the one founded the Joustus game and crown? The Enchantress. Yes. You read that right. It was the Enchantress who invented the Joustus card game and tournament in order to distract everyone, including Black Knight, while she forms the Order of No Quarter. And it actually works.
    • As King Knight begins to raid the Tower of Fate, he looks up at the gate, as if waiting for something to happen...and then the Glidewing's crew decide to ram the ship through the window, thus smashing it and allowing King Knight to enter via said window. Meaning that at least four separate people have broke into the Tower of Fate by just smashing through the walls, and three of them did it through the windows. No wonder Specter Knight contemplates getting them barred.
  • After each Joustus judge is defeated, a cutscene is triggered where King Knight and that judge is riding through the area while said judge is explaining to King Knight about his next opponent. For King Pridemoor, they ride through Pridemoor Keep on his pet Griffoths. For the Troupple King, King Knight is lounging on his back tossing an apple, while the acolyte is riding on a troupple close behind. For "King" Birder, King Knight rides him through the air to the Glidewing. Keep in mind, Birders are small bird shaped fireballs that bounce around the place, so imagine King Knight riding on one through the clouds, complete with Badass Arm-Fold, while still bouncing all over the screen!
    • Each cutscene explains at length what kind of things each King tells King Knight to prepare him for his journey. Each one of them ends with a sentence synonymous with "King Knight spaced out before they even started speaking."
  • Watching King Knight get angry and demanding his mother and King Pridemoor stop flirting is always great.
  • If you shoulder bash the Ledge Farmer with the Battery Brigandine's charged bash, he'll get launched into the stratosphere. Somehow he survives.


  • Specter Knight hates King Knight. He hates him so, so much. note There's Fridge Brilliance aplenty here in the former being the edgiest character by far, a fact the game itself lampshades, while the latter is the buffoonish lead of a very Monty Python-esque adventure.
    • Their exchange during King Knight's route is priceless:

      Specter Knight: No. Please! It can't be... Oh, anyone but you...

      King Knight: You! Again! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you're behind my kidnapping! Explain yourself!

      Specter Knight: You... Absolute fool. I'm trapped here just the same! Someone's tampered with the magic mirror!

  • Plenty of playables involved in the mirror incident have no real agency in the greater story, so they have to occupy themselves otherwise. Mona? She happens upon the Liquid Samurai who got dragged in, becomes utterly intrigued by its sapient-yet-fluid nature, and spends the rest of her story mode hunting down the poor thing. She gets it in a glass jar by the end and uses it to progress research for the Ultimate Potion.
    • When Plague Knight encounters Mona during his story mode, she excitedly tells him about the opportunity to study the Enchantress' magic and the Liquid Samurai she's trying to track down. Plague Knight has to point out they should probably worry about how to get back home first.
    • Then when you get to Plague Knight's rival fight, Plague Knight is reluctant to fight because his opponent is Mona, even if it's the only way to get out. Mona, on the other hand, is a little too willing to get into a bomb fight with Plague Knight.

      Mona: C'mon now, we have to fight each other!! I won't hold back! Eat potions, Plaguey!
      Plague Knight: Ahhh!

    • The Liquid Samurai tells Mona that she is meddling with forces that she doesn't understand. She replies that, duh, that's what scientific discovery is.

    Mona: I work with explosives near an active volcano! I don't scare easily, buddy! Now how about that sample?!

    • Mona's story mode implies how she acts in Shovel of Hope is partly because she's genuinely bored out of her mind during her day job.
  • Mole Knight's exchange with Treasure Knight. After Treasure Knight attempts to get Mole Knight to fork over his collected gold, Mole Knight is incredulous...because he was seconds away from betraying Treasure Knight.
  • One of Tinker Knight's moves is called the Definitely Intentional Trip, where he trips, damaging anyone he bumps into while doing so, before throwing wrenches everywhere. Then one of his win quotes has him claim he tripped on purpose, though it's apparent he's trying to save face.
  • The final unlockable in this game mode? The fish-headed Shovel Knight you can meet in Armor Outpost.
    • Even better, his victory quote further muddles the question of whether Shovel Knight is actually a fish or not.
  • While most characters are confused about waking up in a Colosseum, Mr. Hat's story mode intro states that it was nothing too out of the ordinary to him!
    • His rival is Goldarmor, predictably, because he thinks Goldarmor's helmet would be a good addition to his collection. In the ending, he menages to snag the poor guardsman's helmet for his collection, and demonstrates that he has a collection that includes;
      • One of Plague Knight's masks
      • King Knight's crown (As shown by the bust modeling it being shaped like his helmet)
      • The cloths around Chun-Li's hair buns
      • Shield Knight's helmet
      • A copy of his own helmet
      • A hood
      • A bucket
  • One of the Liquid Samurai's win quotes is telling their opponent that the arena they fought in is now owned by the Enchantress. This can happen even if their opponent is the Enchantress.
    • Similarly, Dark Reize can tell his opponent to serve the Enchantress or be locked in the dungeon. Naturally, he can say it to the Enchantress as well, leading to the hilarious circumstance of the Enchantress's brainwashed servant telling her to serve herself, or he'll lock her away.
  • In Propeller Knight's story, he actually doesn't fight Tinker Knight at first. The two team up and Tinker Knight agrees to follow Propeller Knight's plan to escape the mirror world. But at the penultimate fight, Tinker Knight becomes extremely upset because Propeller Knight admits that he didn't actually come up with a plan after all.
  • Tower of Fate - Stronghold Tour is a scrolling stage taking you through a portion of the tower...and eventually to the Order of No Quarter's dinner table, where the knights are again just sitting there while people fight around and on their dinner (with the exception of any Order members taking part in the current fight, who are absent from the table).
  • All of Dark Reize's moveset have "dark" in the move names. This includes his teleport maneuver, which is called "Teleport (Dark)". Yes, with the parentheses.


  • Jokes from the developer streams:
    • The $350,000 stretch goal, butt mode.
      • With the unveiling of over 321 cheats, Butt Mode was found. It's as hilarious as it sounds, and replaces certain words with 'butt.' (Enter WSWWAEAW or X&BUTT at the name entry screen to unlock it.)
    • The playable version of King Knight having a Swagger meter that he fills by strutting.
    • The accompanying series, Shovel High, about the characters from the game going to high school. Polar Knight is a jock, Mole Knight is a fat kid with a beautiful voice, and Plague Knight pushes drugs.
    • Specter Knight's real name before they settled for Donovan was Johnny Specter. This is why the cheat code to always look like Donovan is SP&JOHNY. It's hilarious in itself with the idea edgy Specter Knight came close to nearly having a common first name with an almost a little too on point surname, but even more so as said name sounds a lot like Danny Phantom.
  • On a poll from the official Twitter, the question asked which of the four playable knights would be the slowest at picking vegetables in if they were in Super Mario Bros. 2. The majority result was King Knight. The reasoning for this according to the comment section mostly boiled down to "King Knight would refuse to pick the vegetables believing it below him".
  • Can you guess Specter Knight's Fan Nickname before his official reveal? If you guessed Banana Knight, you are correct. Explanation His sprite's silhouette looked like a banana with an obvious scythe.
  • When Yacht Club Games announced that the retail release of Shovel Knight will be delayed, they also announced raising its price to prevent the game from ending up in bargain bins (and thus ending up among, ahem, Shovelware). This was accompanied by a crossed out photo of a bargain bin captioned "No Shovel Knight! You've dug too far!"
    • Even funnier is that the bargain bin contains a tall stack of copies of Max Payne 3 that is so tall it goes out of frame.
  • Walmart's website accidentally listing the Shovel Knight amiibo under the "Gardening tools" section.
  • Due to how Specter Knight reacts to losing his Phase Locket, someone made this, believing it to be the plot of "Specter of Torment". It's a parody of the children's book I Want My Hat Back.

    Shovel Knights Dimensions

  • 64 Bits did a video which has Shovel Knight getting thrown across multiple worlds after his battle with the Enchantress through the Mirror of Fate. Those worlds include, complete with art styles...
    • Cuphead SK fights Tinker Knight and has to SHARPEN THY SHOVEL!
    • Hollow Knight He gets into another battle with Spectre Knight.
    • Among Us SK is the Impostor as he comes out the vent to kill Treasure Knight.
    • Celeste SK air dashes through Propeller Knight's level.
    • Darkest Dungeon SK is fighting Plague Knight once more.
    • Dream Daddy SK is now hitting on the player.
    • Limbo SK running away from the anglerfish.
    • Papers, Please SK lining up for entry to Arstotzka. He's denied.
    • Crypt Of The Necrodancer SK fighting off against multiple Goldarmors before going to a store with the Bard.
    • Shantae SK does a dance and turns into a bat, but unfortunately, his head is too big for his body and he falls down.
    • Pikuniku SK and the Black Knight do battle.
    • Stardew Valley SK is digging for treasure and fighting moles in a volcano.
    • Undertale SK just digs Flowey out of his spot and smacks him far away.
    • Baba Is You SK changes it from SHOVEL KNIGHT IS YOU to SHOVEL IS YOU, turning him into a shovel.
    • Untitled Goose Game The goose honks, then steals his shovel while he's sitting on a bench.
    • Don't Starve SK is about to open a chest until a giant Polar Knight appears behind him, making him run for his life.
    • Ultimate Chicken Horse SK and the group run the obstacle course with Shield Knight and Black Knight dying, though SK and Tinker Knight make it.
    • Castle Crashers SK and Shield Knight are fighting until SK powers up to fight Mole Knight.
    • SK comes back to the Enchantress's lair and he brought some friends! Said friends include Shantae, Super Meat Boy, Ori, Captain Viridian, Cuphead, the Goose, Frisk, Hornet, Madeline, Isaac, and the Wanderer.


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